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February has served as an essential month for Ebenezer Church of Godin Christ, beginning on February 8th, 1976.  Our founding Bishop,  Jonathan Saffold, Sr. comes from Lexington, Mississippi.  His parents were hard workers, faith believers and Word Doers. He spent his childhood working in the fields and went on to attend Saints Junior College where he earned a Ph.D directly from Heaven!

From a child he was sheltered and marked as a child, separated from many of the temptations of the world for there was a calling on his life - and where many are indeed called; Bishop Saffold is the one of the few chosen.  Before Elder Saffold became the founder and Pastor of Ebenezer, along with Lady Lula Saffold - he was challenged with the Word, spoke the Word of God around the City, filling in for others to spread the good news of the Gospel to the household of faith.

Then, Elder Saffold - gathered 35 individuals and prayed for them, instructed them and ministering deliverance to them; then moved from the small beginnings of the basement of Galilee Baptist Church, to 'Room 11' of Saint Leo’s Catholic Church Educational Building to a facility located at 2447 North Richards Street, where the Saints of God took haste to hear a Word from the Lord.

On February 20th, 1977 - the building located at 2447 North Richards Street was dedicated to the Lord, and paid off by August, 1979 - and onSeptember 5th, 1982 - the Mortgage Burning was wholly offered unto the Lord

Elder Saffold carried many nights and days in prayer for the members of Ebenezer. Ridiculed by his fellow brothers,Elder Saffold placed his earthly assets on the line, to enable the people of God to prosper.  

On August 8th, 1987, Bishop Saffold took a shovel within a pile of stones between Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and North 3rd Street, declaring “Hither to Hath the Lord Helped Us” as He broke ground on 3132 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive.

Not shortly thereafter, on October 30, 1988, the altar Elder Jonathan built unto the Lord, and a facility valued at over 1.5M Dollars built in the heart of the inner-city, by the labor and hands of many sitting here today, and those whom have gone on to Glory besides - stands yet testifying today of the Miraculous Hand of God bringing to the City of Milwaukee, His will through service.

For nearly 50 years, Ebenezer Church of God in Christ come to now serve over 10K people in the city of Milwaukee annually. In 1996, Ebenezer's collaboration with St. Mary’s Hospital (now Ascension St. Mary’s) began; and for nearly 15 years, the Ebenezer Community Food Pantry and Free Community Chronic Disease Management Clinic have been serving our community since starting in 2010.

In 2017, Bishop Jonathan Saffold Sr.'s son, Elder Jon Saffold Jr. was called to the Pastorate, now serving as Senior Pastor at Ebenezer Church Milwaukee.  We are yet determined to not only fulfill the mission God has established for EbenezerChurch of God in Christ through Bishop Jonathan Saffold Sr., but to walk from promise to blessing as Ordered by the Lord.

Ebenezer's Story

About Us.

3132 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212

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